11 research outputs found

    Juhukõnnid translatsioonis

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Poomisvastus on võtmetähtsusega adaptiivsete mehhanismide regulatsioonil, mis aitavad bakteritel ebasoodsaid keskkonnatingimusi üle elada. Soolekepikeses (Escherichia coli) on selles protsessis oluliseks ensüümiks RelA, mis vastusena aminohappenäljale sünteesib signaalmolekuli (p)ppGpp. See signaalmolekul mõjutab transkriptsiooni, translatsiooni ja rakkude jagunemist. Meie töötasime välja ühe molekuli jälgimise mikroskoopia metoodika, mis võimaldab mõõta molekulide difusiooni rakus. Kasutasime seda metoodikat erineva kiirusega liikuvate molekulide kirjeldamiseks. Rakus vabalt difundeeruva valgu näiteks oli fluorestseeruv valk mEos2. Hoopis teistsuguste omadustega valguks osutus mitokondri membraanivalk Tom40, mille liikumine on ühte asukohta piiratud. RelA puhul täheldasime nii vabu, kiirelt difundeeruvaid molekule kui ka ribosoomile seondunud ja seetõttu aeglaselt liikuvaid molekule. Kombineerides ühe molekuli jälgimise tulemusi biokeemiliste andmetega, pakume välja RelA valgu töötsükli mudeli. Kuhjuv (p)ppGpp põhjustab samuti RelA aktivatsiooni. Sellisel viisil tekib positiivse tagasisidestusega regulatsioonisüsteem ja signaalmolekuli kontsentratsioon tõuseb kiiresti.The stringent response plays key role in the activation and regulation of the adaptive mechanisms that bacteria employ in order to accommodate to the adverse conditions. In E.coli the process is governed by the stringent factor RelA, transferring the amino-acid starvation signals by synthesize (p)ppGpp altering cell replication, transcription and translation. We have developed in vivo single-molecule tracking microscopy assay that allows us to track fast and slowly diffusive cytosolic (stringent factor RelA and free GFP variant mEos2) or membrane bound (mitochondrial membrane channel Tom40) proteins. The fluorescently labeled Tom40-Dendra2 complex in the mitochondrial membrane showed highly mobile but confined diffusion properties By combining biochemical and single-molecule microscopy approaches we have suggested different (p)ppGpp synthesizing mechanism from the standard hopping model where many (p)ppGpp molecules are produced upon dissociation of enzymatically active RelA from the ribosome and (p)ppGpp production is directly responsible for enhancement of the RelA enzymatic activity by positive feedback loop acting at the enzymatic level.

    Подходы к оценке инновационной восприимчивости организации

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    Материалы XX Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 23–24 апр. 2020 г

    Glioma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles - Far More Than Local Mediators

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    Extracellular vesicle (EV) secretion is a ubiquitous cellular process with both physiologic and pathologic consequences. EVs are small lipid bilayer vesicles that encompass both microvesicles and exosomes and which are secreted by virtually all cells including cancer cells. In this review, we will focus on the roles of EVs in mediating the crosstalk between glioblastoma (GBM) cells and innate and adaptive immune cells and the potential impact on glioma progression. Glioma-derived EVs contain many bioactive cargoes that can broaden and amplify glioma cell mediated immunosuppressive functions and thereby contribute to shaping the tumor microenvironment. We will discuss evidence demonstrating that the low oxygen (hypoxia) in the GBM microenvironment, in addition to cell-intrinsic effects, can affect intercellular communication through EV release, raising the possibility that properties of the tumor core can more widely impact the tumor microenvironment. Recent advances in glioma-derived EV research have shown their importance not only as message carriers, but also as mediators of immune escape, with the capacity to reprogram tumor infiltrating immune cells. Exploring EV function in cancer-immune crosstalk is therefore becoming an important research area, opening up opportunities to develop EV monitoring for mechanistic studies as well as novel diagnostic glioma biomarker applications. However, robust and reproducible EV analysis is not always routinely established, whether in research or in clinical settings. Taking into account the current state of the art in EV studies, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities for extending the many exciting findings in basic research to a better interpretation of glioma and its response to current and future immunotherapies

    Aim-less translation : loss of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial translation initiation factor mIF3/Aim23 leads to unbalanced protein synthesis

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    The mitochondrial genome almost exclusively encodes a handful of transmembrane constituents of the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system. Coordinated expression of these genes ensures the correct stoichiometry of the system's components. Translation initiation in mitochondria is assisted by two general initiation factors mIF2 and mIF3, orthologues of which in bacteria are indispensible for protein synthesis and viability. mIF3 was thought to be absent in Saccharomyces cerevisiae until we recently identified mitochondrial protein Aim23 as the missing orthologue. Here we show that, surprisingly, loss of mIF3/Aim23 in S. cerevisiae does not indiscriminately abrogate mitochondrial translation but rather causes an imbalance in protein production: the rate of synthesis of the Atp9 subunit of F1F0 ATP synthase (complex V) is increased, while expression of Cox1, Cox2 and Cox3 subunits of cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) is repressed. Our results provide one more example of deviation of mitochondrial translation from its bacterial origins

    Synthesis, Formulation and Characterization of Immunotherapeutic Glycosylated Dendrimer/cGAMP Complexes for CD206 Targeted Delivery to M2 Macrophages in Cold Tumors

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    Anti-tumor responses can be achieved via the stimulation of the immune system, a therapeutic approach called cancer immunotherapy. Many solid tumor types are characterized by the presence of immune-suppressive tumor-associated macrophage (TAMs) cells within the tumor microenvironment (TME). Moreover, TAM infiltration is strongly associated with poor survival in solid cancer patients and hence a low responsiveness to cancer immunotherapy. Therefore, 2′3′ Cyclic GMP-AMP (2′3′ cGAMP) was employed for its ability to shift macrophages from pro-tumoral M2-like macrophages (TAM) to anti-tumoral M1. However, cGAMP transfection within macrophages is limited by the molecule’s negative charge, poor stability and lack of targeting. To circumvent these barriers, we designed nanocarriers based on poly(amidoamine) dendrimers (PAMAM) grafted with D-glucuronic acid (Glu) for M2 mannose-mediated endocytosis. Two carriers were synthesized based on different dendrimers and complexed with cGAMP at different ratios. Orthogonal techniques were employed for synthesis (NMR, ninhydrin, and gravimetry), size (DLS, NTA, and AF4-DLS), charge (DLS and NTA), complexation (HPLC-UV and AF4-UV) and biocompatibility and toxicity (primary cells and hen egg chorioallantoic membrane model) evaluations in order to evaluate the best cGAMP carrier. The best formulation was selected for its low toxicity, biocompatibility, monodispersed distribution, affinity towards CD206 and ability to increase M1 (STAT1 and NOS2) and decrease M2 marker (MRC1) expression in macrophages.</p